Zanshin Hudson Instructors

Renshi Dave Ghize
Sensei Glenn
Renshi Dave Ghize started his martial arts experience in the Nick Cerio's Kenpo Karate system in Billerica Massachusetts. He received his Shodan rank and his Sensei (teacher) title under the guidance of Kyoshi Paul Parent on June 3rd, 2000. In 2001 he received his Nidan rank and in 2004 he received his Sandan rank both under the guidance of Kyoshi Paul Parent. Renshi Dave was an instructor at the Billerica dojo until 2005 when he opened his own School in Mendon Massachusetts. In 2008, Renshi Dave moved his dojo from Mendon to Hudson Massachusetts. Renshi Dave achieved the rank of Yondan on June 6th 2010 and on December 2nd, 2012 Dave received his Godan Rank from Kyoshi Paul Parent and Kyoshi Chris Horlbogen as well as being given the title of Shihan. On June 10th 2017 Dave received his Rokudan Rank from GrandMaster Paul Parent and GrandMaster Steven Nugent as well as being given the title of Renshi.
Renshi Dave and his wife Diane have 2 children, Wyatt and Morghan, Wyatt studies martial arts as well.
Sensei Glenn Sherman started his martial arts experience in 2008 at Zanshin Kenjutsu Hudson instructed by Renshi Dave Ghize. He received his Shodan rank on December 5th, 2010 under the guidance of Renshi Dave Ghize. He received his Sensei title in January, 2011. He received his current rank of Nidan in December 2012. He received his current rank of Sandan in March 2015. Sensei Glenn has participated in seminars conducted by Grand Master Mark Sheeley, GrandMaster Paul Parent, GrandMaster Chris Horlbogen and Soke Wali Islam. Sensei Glenn and his wife Kristine have 3 children: Katelin, Andrew and Benjamin all of whom he is so very proud of.